Wednesday 27 May 2015

26 May : Cranesbills

The cottage garden is filled with geraniums which have grown undisturbed for many years and now form soft mounds under the birch tree. I particularly love this white one with feathery leaves and will take a small clump back home to plant under the hawthorn tree. Unfortunately, in an attempt to find out which variety it is, I have stumbled across a specialist nursery for hardy geraniums. I had better go and hide my credit card.

Cranesbill Nursery


  1. Cranesbill have to be amongst my favourites in the garden - no fuss, the slugs leave them alone and they provide colour all summer - I have a white one - Kashmir White, white with pink veins - not the same as yours though.

    1. I can feel a mini cranesbill obsession coming on - am trying to resist but not very hard.

  2. Oh I had Kashmir White, it was gorgeous but got subsumed by the very thuggish pink one which took over the entire garden in the end. We lifted great mattresses of The Thug a few years ago and rehomed it in distant corners overgrown and in need of a good talking to. It has worked miracles in the right place.

    1. I wish there was an equivalent for untidy corners of the house..


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