Wednesday 3 June 2015

2 June : Weather

So much weather! And none of it good. Rain, wind, hail, more wind, more rain. It's June for heaven's sake. I am afraid that I am going to have a tantrum because I have Things to Do in the Garden and I don't want to dig in the rain. I am not that sort of gardener. 


  1. Tell me about it! Yesterday was more like November than June - hope summer isn't going to pass us by this year. Beautiful picture of a rain soaked peony.

  2. Thank you! I had quite a selection of soggy peonies to choose from yesterday. This was 'Duchesse de Nemours' lying quite prostrate and looking tragic.

  3. My poppies were all completely flattened and are all now growing at odd angles.

    1. Well - I don't have THAT problem. Because I dug up my poppy. Ahem.

  4. Carnage with all my tall plants, irises especially. Not a flower I usually bring indoors but when they are snapped off in the flower bed there's nothing for it.


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