Sunday 7 June 2015

7 June : Bluebells

The Little Boy Next Door is cycling his trike up and down outside our front door singing "In and out the dusty bluebells". After the sixth verse I get up from the sofa and go to say hello. I tell him that I used to sing the same song when I was a little girl at school. The effort of imagining me as a little girl is too great for him so he cycles around in a circle a couple of times. Then he says "I decided to sing it until you came out to see me" and I am relieved that I gave in after only six verses. The hedgerows are full of campion and buttercups now but you can still find bluebells in the woods beside the stream  .


  1. I have to say that the wild flowers have been spectacular this year - even more so along your Devon lanes. The little box next door sounds an absolute charmer.

    1. The Little Boy has a zest for life which is very infectious. At the moment he is planning a career as a fireman which involves much practising of sirens. Especially early in the morning.

  2. What a lovely, lovely story. And your photographs are beautiful.

    1. Thank you - that is more luck than skill because I have an elderly phone which has an unpredictable focus!

  3. The boy next door sounds a complete poppet. Zest for life can be infectious. Lovely photos.

    1. He has a younger brother aged 2 who is his loyal retainer and whose job is to pick up the nerf gun bullets. I am sure that you will remember this phase!


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