Wednesday 27 April 2016

27 April : Nerja

There is nothing like returning
to a place that remains unchanged
to find the ways in which
you yourself have altered.

Nelson Mandela

The discovery that you have changed without realising it is quite unnerving. I felt it very strongly in Nerja this year - perhaps because I have stopped looking backwards at some point since our last visit. Every street in Nerja is familiar, full of happy memories of Geographers and later of holidays with MasterM and MissM, but I have new places to enjoy and new projects to plan so that my mind and my heart are looking forwards. I think that is a good note on which to end my postcards from Spain.


  1. It's been lovely seeing and hearing about familiar places again. Your photographs are smashing. Thank you.


    1. Thank you! A new Samsung phone must take the credit - not the photographer.

  2. Looking forward to reading of where your heart leads you. The postcards from Spain have been a joy.

    1. Thank you! Half the fun of a holiday is sharing new experiences with your friends.


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