Monday 20 February 2017

sunshine in St. James's

A sunny afternoon in February. Children everywhere. Running, scooting, cycling, rollerblading, wrestling, wriggling, cartwheeling, hand-standing. An intoxicating, exhausting, exhilarating experience to weave your way through the crowds. Especially if you had forgotten it was half term. Which is what happens when your children grow up.


  1. My day is measured by an increase in traffic and a crescendo of childish voices twice a day, so it was very quiet last week. It also means I can get to an earlier Pilates class in half the time.

    1. I love the sound of children in a school playground but I suppose that I might not be so enthusiastic if I lived nearby.

  2. I like the hand-standing child - brings back memories.

    1. She was beside herself with excitement as she showed off her handstands - so cute!

  3. Lovely memories of sitting in St James's park eating sandwiches with you!


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